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Here is your opportunity to share your pictures of Pennsylvania's past and present landmarks, museums, amusement parks, state parks and just about any memories you have of Pennsylvania. Check out the Pennsylvania Pictures visitors have contributed. Then take a few minutes of your time and make a comment, add a bit of history or just say thanks for the contribution. There is no doubt in my mind that many visitors to Pennsylvania-Mountains-of-Attractions.com either live or have lived in Pennsylvania or maybe some have visited and have wonderful memories and pictures of Pennsylvania to share. Why don't you dig those Pennsylvania pictures out and share them with the world? This idea never occurred to me until I got an email from a visitor to my website. She wrote to ask me if I'd be interested in seeing a couple of pictures from back in the early 1930's she stumbled across after inheriting an antique desk from her grandfather. She found a box of old negatives and developed them. The two pictures she sent me intrigued her and she started researching online as to where this historic landmark could be. This was how she stumbled on my website and found the history of the U.S. Grand View Hotel.
The first picture is Carole's grandmother, sitting on the stone block fence that was part of the U.S. Grand View Hotel, known throughout Pennsylvania as the Ship Hotel. She's assuming the pictures must have been taken in 1933 and her grandparents could have possibly been on their honeymoon. As you can see from the sign painted on the hotel, you could see 3 states and 7 counties from the view at the top of the Ship Hotel.
Thank you so much Carole for sharing your pictures of Pennsylvania and helping to document a rare glimpse of Pennsylvania history.
What Kind of Pictures of Pennsylvania?Of course your pictures of Pennsylvania don't have to be as vintage as Carole's and they don't have to be of landmarks that don't exist anymore. Just allow visitors to take a peek into your memories of Pennsylvania. It's so easy to do, just fill out the form below and upload your picture for the world to see. If you're a bit shy, you don't even have to give your name. All pictures will have to be digital, with the technology today that isn't too complicated to do. I can't accept original pictures by snail mail simply because I wouldn't want the responsibility of them getting lost in the mail or somehow taking a risk of ruining them. Special Request: I have been searching for an old picture of Altoona, in the area of 7th Avenue and 12th Street. My parents owned and operated a small fruit market called "Walter's Market", I have been searching for a picture of their small business for the last 10 years but haven't had much luck. Besides my love of building this website I also love oil painting and I'd love to paint their market someday in memory of them. I have high hopes a visitor to my website might have the picture I'm looking for. Everybody has a story to tell, a special memory, that pictures that says it all. Here's your chance to become part of the internet community and especially your claim to fame in Pennsylvania. Fill out the form below it's as easy as sending email. Don't forget to subscribe to my newsletter "Things to Do in Pennsylvania". You'll receive the first issue this spring with reminders of area events, PA trivia, coupons and special announcements.
Share Your Pennsylvania Pictures and MemoriesDo you have a Pennsylvania Picture or Memory to share? Just fill in the form below: What Other Visitors Have SaidClick below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...
Ship Bottom Hotel is Gone
Christi MacGregor Wroe
A Long night at Cox Monument!
Photos of Renovo, Clinton County, PA Past and Present
Tytoona Cave
Indian Lookout
1936 flood 31st street, Altoona, PA
My Dad's Painting in the Baker Mansion
Pictures of Houtzdale!
Old Appalachian House Built in 1820
SS Grand View Point Hotel Unidentified!
Fond Memories of the Allegheny Mountains
Ringing Rocks Park
My old house in Elizabeth Town, PA
July 2009
PA Famous People
After the storm 2
After the storm
Lost children of the Alleghenies
Ralph Kimmell - June 1955
Knobels Grove & more
The Grand view point Hotel
Pennsylvania Railroad Employee Baseball Team abt 1910
famous pa people
famous pa people
Lost Children's Monument 2
Lost Children of the Alleghenies Monument Pavia PA
Downtown Altoona
Lincoln Motor Court, Fall of 2008
Trough Creek State Park Lodge
ship hotel
Incline Memories
Ship Bottom Hotel is Gone Not rated yet
4 more Not rated yet
two pics here Not rated yet