The White lady

by Megan

On Buckhorn Road my friend witnessed the White Lady. The story goes like this, It was her wedding day but her husband didn't want to marry her because he was in love with someone eles. So he pushed her off the cliff and let her fall to her death. Now they say she looks for a ride and will ride on the back of your car looking for a ride you can only see her in your mirriors she seeks revenge on her husband.

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the white lady
by: Anonymous

Sadly some reports of the white lady were not true sightings. One night my aunts, uncles and parents were talking about haunted things as they were playing cards and....much to my surprise, my uncle admitted that in his youth he and friends would dress in white dresses and run across the road imitating the white lady!

White Lady of Wopsy
by: Patricia

Hello Megan,

Thank you for telling us your version of the White Lady of Wopsy. There are so many versions but one thing I know for sure, there is without a doubt a White Lady of Wopsy Mountain.


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