The Stories...

by Melissa
(West Virginia )

That just what they are STORIES. If everyone believed what they read and seen in pictures, no one would go outside their homes. This was just a case that raystown lake needed more advertisment for their area and thats what poped into mind. I have an imagination like anyone else but to keep blowing it out of proportion is stupid, it just scares kids and makes most familys not want to come see such a beautiful area.

And the catfish thing, yes they have some good size ones there but dont be overwhelmed they wont eat you!....

Just go and have a great time and spend it with family and friends!

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Jul 23, 2011
Enjoy Raystown
by: Patricia

Hi Melissa,

I totally agree with you Melissa as far as taking all the rumers in stride and enjoying your time at Raystown Lake. It's such a beautiful area to enjoy the summer with your family. Even if there is a Raystown Ray there have never been any reports of it trying to attack anybody.


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