The Man in the Dark

by Donna Dork
(Altoona, PA)

One night I was awoken by a very odd noise. This had never happened to me ever before because I don't live in an old house or live near an old house. It was really odd. I didn't know what to do so I just tried to go back to sleep because it was 3 in the morning. But then I thought I heard something downstairs almost as though someone was moving furniture. So I just got out of bed and went down to see what the noise was. It was pitch black and I was absolutly terrified. Then I heard a noise again. Then all of a sudden a man came and stood before me and told me to leave the house or else....He just dissapeared after that. I was so horrified!!!!! I haven't moved or anything yet and nothing more has happened since then and hopefully nothing will...

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pack your bags, dear
by: Jodie

I'm not concerned because he asked you to leave-I'm more concerned about a.) the 'or else' and b.) the fact that he was capable of moving things. Or consider, the dark man was warning you of a much more evil spirit that dwells there with him. I would hit the road tonight, my friend.

by: Alyssa Lovemuffins

Wow i agree if that happened to me i woould be so scared i would have ran out of that house right then and would have never come back!

Time to Leave
by: Patricia

Hi Donna,

I don't know how some people do it, if I'd meet a dark man in my house in the middle of the night that said get out and than just vanish, I'd find a way to move. Sometimes it isn't an old house that's haunted, it could be the land the house was built on.

Keep safe!


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