The Festival at Lakemont Park - September 7th & 8th, 2013

by Chris Harpster
(Altoona, PA, USA)

Lakemont Park is pleased to bring you the area's original outdoor festival again this year. With more crafts, food, and entertainment, this year's festival promises to be a weekend filled with fall fun! The Fesival at Lakemont Park is September 7th & 8th, 2013 $5 admission includes rides and attractions. Please visit use online for vendor applications or more Information!

Comments for The Festival at Lakemont Park - September 7th & 8th, 2013

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Feb 25, 2013
by: Chris

Patrica I will pass that along but Idk if they will change it back just seems all good things get messed up around here

Feb 25, 2013
by: Patricia

Thank you so much Chris for pointing out to me about the name change. I didn't realize the name was changed again. I will change it on my web page. It's really too bad that you couldn't just go back to the original name..Keystone Country Festival, I know many of the locals still call it that and many people that moved away has contacted me to see if the festival still exists. It was really upsetting when the convention center ruined it.


Feb 22, 2013
Please note name change
by: Chris

Thanks Just Note its Now just "The Festival at Lakemont Park" Thanks

Feb 22, 2013
Altoona First Festival at Lakemont Park
by: Patricia

Hi Chris,

Thank you so much for reminding us about the annual First Festival at Lakemont Park in September, 2013.
This will also help safe a lot of time when I update my page about the festival, hopefully I'll find the time to do it soon.


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