The Farmhouse part II

by 16 year old writer
(Bedford PA)

Latley there has been more strange activity going on, about two weeks ago, I got out of the shower, and my shower curtain popped as it sometimes does when it's folded. As I dried off not thinking much of it, I watched it slide about two inches. As I went over to investigate, I tried to fold it and re-create the popping noise as it did earlier, but I found out you had to punch it rather hard to get it to make the noise. This happened in the morning by the way. Also, later that day as I was about to get in the shower, I saw a slightly distorted shape, similar to a cresent moon stretched longways, move from right to left across the room. It happened very quickly. About three nights after that strange day, my mom told me that the night before, she was sleeping and something woke her up. In my parent's room, there is a dresser facing the wall, which shuts the corner off so that you must walk around to the front of the dresser to stand in the corner. She said she woke up and looked up to see a black mass there, where it usually is dark, you can still see the walls, although she claimed there was nothing but darkness. Small things such as light touches or strange footsteps have been going on as well, just thought I'd update you guys, and I will if anything else big happens.

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by: Patricia

Wow, I guess there is a lot of recent activity around your home and family. It's bad enough to get the annoyance of hearing things and watching things fall and move but once you start seeing dark shadows it gets pretty darn creepy.

I hope things will calm down once again for you,


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