by 14 year old writer
(Bedford, PA)
Last night at 11:23 I woke up to the sound of three distinct taps, and my dad came over ot my room and said some of us are trying to sleep stop tapping. And i said dad I didn't do it, i just woke up. And he was like so you heard it too? It sounded like someone was knocking on our door and my dad got worried, so we stayed awake and waited to see if it happened again and it didn't. But before I was born my mom and dad had the same problem when they first moved into our farmhouse built in the late 1800s. It was late and they heard three tapping noises and then it sounded like someone or something was walking up the steps and as the sound was getting closer to the top of the steps dad would offer to meet whoever it was right at the top but as he turned on the lights nobody was there and that's why he was worried that it was going to happen again, so being the ghost hunter I am, i set a recorder at the top of the stairs but I got nothing.
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