Seriously? Hoax at Raystown Lake

by David Yablonski
(Six Mile Run, PA)

I've lived in Bedford County (Raystown County back in the day) all my life. I remember the picture and story first covered on the Broad Top Bulletin. The picture is pretty clearly of a log. Yes, I said it, it is a hoax, it is a log.

For as long as Raystown lake and resort has been around, you would think that someone would've said something about Raystown Ray before the year 2000, but I don't believe anyone has. Please, let's be serious...this Syfy show won't be seen by too many people outside of the central region of PA. I think it's a horrible idea except for possibly a slight increase in tourism. I would rather see a documentary of Raystown Resort and Lake, than "Raystown Ray."

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Apr 16, 2010
Pro and Cons on Raystown Ray
by: Patricia

Hi David,

Thanks for giving your opinion about Raystown Ray. To be honest I'm still sitting on the fence about it. I'm anxious to hear what they will find through the investigation in April.

They do claim to have eye witnesses and I will admit they have some huge fish there.

I do hope it helps promote tourism in the area. And you're right, it would be great to see someone come in and do a documentary on the area. It's such a beautiful area filled with some great history and landmarks.


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