Rocks Were Thrown At Us!

by 13 year old writer (previously known as 12 year old writer.)
(Bedford, Pa)

My friend and I were sitting on a trailer with his dog watching the bats fly by. We pretty much talked until it got dark and you really couldn't see 10 feet in front of you. We were about to leave when suddenly a rock is thrown at us. At first I thought it was my friend and asked how'd you do that? He said he didn't think much of it because he thought it was me. That creeped us out so we started to walk towards the house, when another rock is thrown at us, then we begin to run. Before we enter the house we notice that the shed light was on and it was a motion detector that only detected things higher that 4 feet tall. We looked in the house and everybody that lived there was inside the house and his dog was right beside me. Later I said we should go back out to take a look and when we go out the motion detector light is off. Thankfully, my friend turns and says what was that? and the light comes back on. We didn't go back outside the house. Later at about 9:30 we got a call but didn't recognize the number so we didn't answer it. My friend told me to call it back, when I called it responded with, "This number is no longer in service, thank you." We were soo scared it was supposed to be a sleepover but my mom picked me up and he went to his dad's. Next time I intend to bring a camera and voice recorder and my next visit is tomorrow.

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Paranormal Investigation in PA
by: Patricia

Hi There,

It's good to hear from you again. It looks like now that spring is here you're back to your paranormal investigations even when you're not planning on it.:)

You know, you can come up with a million excuses for all the various things that happened to you and your friend but that phone call was like the icing on the cake.

Thanks for telling us about your ghostly evening,


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