
by Betty

I have seen the show on SyFy about Raystown Ray, yes they could not figure out what they seen block their cameras. But you have to remember we have catfish around our area. Some catfish are very large in size and with Raystown being a manmade lake who knows for sure what fish were dropped into the lake by the people who made the lake or by vistors. Just a year or so ago someone dropped off a pet alligator at Shawnee. But if there is something in the waters, I have never seen anything and I've been going to Raystown for the past 20 years.

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Jan 09, 2012
by: Patricia

Hi Betty,

I missed the show on SyFy, I've been hoping they'd have a rerun but haven't seen any. They seem to rerun other programs to death. I think it's weird that so many eye witnesses have come foreword with their testimony of seeing Raystown Ray but people that go there year after year have never seen anything. I was really good advertising for Lake Raystown so it was a win win anyway.


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