Pittsburgh's Newest Paranormal Team
by Mark Bowan
(Oakmont, PA, USA)
I'm the co-founder of the Oakmont Paranormal Society, and we're an up and coming group, with our third investigation getting ready to start soon.
We've successfully proven that two locations in the Greater Pittsburgh area are quite haunted, complete with photographic evidence to boot!
The pictures we have taken at our Investigations have been shown to other Paranormal Investigators throughout the country and they couldn't debunk them in the least, so needless to say, Pittsburgh has it's fair share of hauntings!
We're on Facebook, at http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Oakmont-Paranormal-Society/298791686805383
And many of our pictures can be seen there.
This is a shot from an undisclosed location that was one of our Investigations, that came out, with my girlfriend in the background.
Stop by our page and say "Hi!!"