Paranormal Activity in October

by 13 year old writer
(Bedford, PA)

Lately, around my house, I've been seeing strange things including shadow figures, objects out of the corner of my eye, and hearing strange noises that sound like a woman's voice. For example, the other day I was sitting on the couch when I thought I heard mom call my name from upstairs. When I replied "What mom? I'm watching TV!" She says to me ,"I didn't even say anything thanks for waking me up." It kinda creeped me out a little bit. Another time I was walking up the stairs and when I turned the corner to go to the bathroom it looked like my dad was standing there but when I focused my attention to it, it disappeared.

Just now as I am typing this story it seems I'm being watched and often it looks like somebody is in the room to my left. My house was built in the late 1800s and on a 20 acre Indian burial ground that very few people know about. Also, the two previous owners of the house died. One shot himself in the mid 1900s and another died in my lifetime. None of this supposed paranormal activity started happening until my mom put the Halloween decorations out, and I heard that spirits don't like things moved about in a house. And one of the owners did not believe in Halloween. Many people who visit my house think it's haunted, do you?

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Your house
by: Mick

Sometimes during this time of year, people will let their imagination get the best of them. What interests me however is that you say your property used to be an Indian burial ground. This time of year was a spiritual time for the Indians. It is the earth dying. It is the time of harvest. Your apparitions may well be the spirits of those Indians. I investigated a couple places in Bedford, one with a strong connection with the Shawnee Indians. You entire area was inhabited by the Shawnee until driven out. Keep posting here, I'm interested.

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