Old Mine 40 Coal Mine, Windber PA

by Michael Irons
(Windber PA)

My name is Michael Irons from the Windber Paranormal Investigation Team. Just recently we have done an investigation of the old mine 40 coal tipple. This place is scary and very haunted. we caught many unexplaned photos of aperitions and orbs. We have also shot some really good footage and caught many EVP`s. We have had many personal experences including myself. On my way up to the sixth floor the door infront of me opend by itself and I could feel something brush apast me giving me a light headed sick feeling to the point where I almost fell down. We have also comunicated with something on that same floor. We took a perfectly good flashlight with new batteries and sat it in the middle of the floor. We then proceded to ask questions and almost after ever question the flashlight either dimmed or went off compleatly just to turn back on until we asked another question. This place is also shut off to the public and patroled at night so if you want to go and see this place for yourself I would get permision to be on the grounds. If you want to go and check out more vids and pics of this place Please visit out page at

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mine 40 now gone
by: steve

As of fall 2012 all the old buildings on the mine 40 site have been torn down and bulldozed under. A few small structures remain, sad to see it all gone, a very historic site wiped away.

Haunted Old Mine 40
by: Patricia

Hello Michael,

Thanks for telling us about the Old Mine 40. I have a friend that lives in Windber and he never mentioned anything about this mine. I've been in places that have drained batteries from flashlights and recorderes so I know what you're talking about.

Wishing you much luck with your paranormal investigations, keep us informed when you have time,


PS It would be great if you'd share a photo with us sometime.

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