NO Ghost on Wopsey Mt.

by Jack Eichenlaub
(Pomona Park, Fla.)

I was born in Buckhorn in 1938 and my father was born there too in 1918.and my Grand father Ben Luke moved there before this girl was killed. She was supposedly killed at Devils Elbow which you can hardly tell to this day that it even existed there. My father hung a model a ford by its back wheels on the guard rail when he was 18, or he might have been a ghost too. What I am getting at is all the times I was in a conversation about the lady in white at home or at the Buckhorn Inn or whereever I never once heard anything about a ghost On Whopsey Mt.

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Wopsy Mt. White Lady
by: Patricia


There is still a debate in the Wopsy Mountain area about the White Lady. Some believe and swear to have witnessed seeing her and other refuse to believe in the legend. I really can't debate this since I have never seen her but I have met many people that have. I have even gotten testimonies from people on my website about seeing the White Lady of Wopsy.

I was getting physical therapy from a therapist that lives on Wopsy Road and I was shocked when he told me he never heard the legend of The White Lady of Wopsy. I guess I must have creeped him out when I told him the story...LOL


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