NO FEAR Wediquette Workshop

Inviting this year's DIY brides to a 2 hour workshop where you'll learn what you need to know to relax and enjoy your big day! lots of door prizes and freebies from various vendors! Pre-registration required: click on the 'Seminar' tab for more information!

Comments for NO FEAR Wediquette Workshop

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Mar 21, 2011
in reply
by: Party Belle

well shoot that makes sense! It's filled so when we run it again I will make certain to do that! Thank you and HAPPY SPRING!!!!

Mar 02, 2011
Wediquette Workshop
by: Patricia

I wish you would have given us the date, time and location of your Wediquette Workshop. When I can put the date in the headlines they seem to get a lot more attention. Sounds like fun for the new brides-to-be.


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