by Nittany "Shop With Heart"
(State College, PA)
Don't miss this upcoming Nittany "Shop With Heart" Mother's Day Craft Show and PA Breast Cancer Coalition Fundraiser. You'll be supporting these special members of the Centre County small business community as they hold their second "Pay It Forward" Charity Craft Show Event.
Join the Pennsylvania grassroots fundraiser group, Nittany "Shop With Heart," as they raise awareness and much needed funds for The PA Breast Cancer Coalition (PBCC) at their Mother's Day Craft Show, to be held from 10 am to 3 pm at the Knights of Columbus Hall in State College, on Saturday, May 9, 2009.
Over 30 local Crafters, Artisans, Home Business Vendors, and Farmer's Market Sellers have once again joined together to support a worthy cause and to offer shoppers a wonderful selection of seasonal and Mother's Day gifts, at great prices!
A variety of food and beverages will also be available for purchase by the Knights of Columbus.
"Shop With Heart" as you Shop For Mom this Mother's Day ...
And Give Her A Gift That Gives Back!
For more information:
Visit the website:
* A portion of the proceeds from this event to benefit the PBCC, including Centre County residents.
Comments for Nittany "Shop With Heart" Mother's Day Craft Show & Benefit May 9, 2009