by Cindy Bowser
(Franklin, PA USA)
Many years ago 1994 I lived in a small city in Northwestern PA, Sharon, Mercer County. I was moving into an old house built in the 1900s. I was with a friend of mine, it was midday, we were moving boxes in the house I was ready to make another trip inside when this older women stopped out front on the sidewalk, and was talking to my friend. I found her really odd, she was telling us about the house and the history, how a girl died in the house, 10 years before we moved in, in 1984. It was a young girl about 19. Then an older couple moved in after that and the older gentleman died three years later in the house as well of heart failure. She was a ghost, she looked like she just stepped out of the past from the 50s, it was very strange. We talked for a bit, she was very nice, she looked like she stepped out of a black and white movie, her color was out of place,she had a 1950s skirt and jacket on. She knew the older couple that lived there, I excused myself and said it was nice meeting her. She didn't give her name and said I have to get finished in the house. I came out 2 minutes later to see if she was still talking to my friend. He said to me, "I turned around for just a minute and she vanished". Judging by her age I couldn't figure out how she had got away so quickly.
At that time I didn't realize what had happened, and every time I tell someone the story I get the same reaction, "oh yeah, your making it up, thats crazy". After all this time I still get the chills.
I have had quite a few incidents after that and I live in a house now that was built in 1876 and has a few spirits in it and get crazy incidents almost all the time.
Thanks for listening to my story.
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