My Grandfathers Ghost

by dakota ray
(Uniontown, PA)

One day my uncle mike was cleaning my grandfathers guns and knew one was in my grandmals house we were all at a family reunion except my two uncles. My one uncle alan was at his house like 20ft from my grandmals house were my other uncle mike was cleaning the guns he was in the basement cleaning them and all a sudden he heard my grandfahers recliner flip were you rest your feet he snuke up the stairs thinking there were robbers in the house then when he got to the living room the recliner was up and no one was there so he ran down to my uncle alan house and told him the story then they think it was their father which is my grandfather. So they went back to my grandmal house to try to communicate with him but there was no answer so we think it was my grandfather watching over my uncle mike my granfather died from a heart attack when i was like 5 this was 8 or 10 years ago and my uncle said there is nothing to be scared of.

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Grandfather's Ghost
by: Susan Gargon-Centineo

I liked your story. Probably it was him. When my Grandfather died, my sister moved into the house and she had a lot of stories about crazy things happening in the house.

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