Mississippi Ghost

by Nichole Boyett

Well I realize this didn't happen in PA; it happened in my visit to Mississippi. I was in fourth grade(now I'm in 7th), and my grandpa and I were visiting my aunt and uncle. That night in MS, I was about to sleep when I heard someone knocking at the window. When I went to see what it was, nothing was there. So, I went back to bed. Then I felt the whole right end of the bed sink in. I thought it was the dog, so I didn't pay attention to it. That's when I felt the tugging. Someone was tugging at my foot. I looked up, but to my disappointment, no one was there. Then the tugging stopped. The next thing I knew, I was flung across the room. I hit my head on the floor. This time, I ran to my grandpa's room. But something was holding me down. When I finally got free of the thing, I ran to my grandpa's room. The next morning, I told my tale of the night. My grandpa and I left quickly. I never went to Mississippi again.

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Ghost in Mississippi
by: Patricia

Hello Nicole,

Although I rarely publish submissions that don't involve Pennsylvania, I couldn't resist your story of your visit to Mississippi with your Grandpa. I'm sure it was a trip you'll never forget.

Thank you for sharing your ghostly tale with us, I'm sorry it took so long to publish it, my computer crashed over the holidays and had to buy a new one. I'm finally getting my files and folders in the new computer and just now trying to catch up.


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