Mifflinburg's ChristkindlMarket - December 10th to December 12th, 2015

by Tony Ludovico
(Mifflinburg, PA, USA)

This event is an outdoor Christmas Market in authentic, German tradition, with all of its sights, craft vendors, and German-style food. It has been held annually on the 2nd weekend of each December, and this year (2015) marks the 27th such occasion for this ever-growing, popular event. It is sure to be one of the best.

The vendors, each in their little outdoor huts, line the sides of Market Street in historic Mifflinburg (Union County) Pennsylvania.

Check out the website at: oldchristkindl.com for all the specific details, pictures, and schedule of events. The Market opens at 4:30pm on Thursday, December 10, and ends at 8pm on Saturday, December 12. Bring the family...and dress warmly!

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Oct 18, 2015
Mifflinburg's ChristkindMarket
by: Patricia

Hi Tony,

I'm surprised that I have never heard of this annual event, especially since it is it's 27th year!

Thank you so much for letting us know about Mifflinburg's Christkind Market annual event. Wishing this event much success in 2015!


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