Jean Bonnett Inn

by Lauren Goodfellow
(Greensburg, P.A)

The Jean Bonnett Inn was a court house many many years ago and 6 people did something bad(I don't know what) but they hung them on the porch. And when they died they burried them on that property. The people that plowed the ground of that property found bones. And people could stay there for the night and even thought they where the only person there but they would hear laughing and parties. Bow it is a restaurant, I eat there a lot, and sometimes people see light fog beside them while they are eating there.

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The Jean Bonett
by: Mick

It was built as a tavern in the mid 1760's. The British would hold monthly strategy meetings on the second floor. The British determined that one of the locals was a spy and hung him from the second floor inside the building. Not wanting his body to be found, he was buried in the basement. This hapened again for one reason or another and two more were buried in the basement. A horse thief running from the Shawnee Indians ran into the building for sanctuary. The British, fearing retaliation from the Indians - but not wanting to give into their demands - hung the person inside then hung his body outside from the top balchony for all to see. The body stayed there for a few days until the Indians were satisfied and didn't attack. It was later buried somewhere on the grounds.

I had the pleasure of doing a paranormal investigation there and came back with some exciting evidence. It is a very fine bed and breakfast plus a restaurant. Good food, friendly staff and reasonable prices. If you have ever wanted to spend the night in a haunted house, this is the place!

Contact me if you would like to know of more places to visit that are 'haunted'

Haunted Jean Bonnet Tavern
by: Patricia

Hi Lauren,

I've heard about the hangings and that there are bodies buried on the property but I've never heard about the fog around people that dine there.

I've gotten email from people that have spent the night at Jean Bonnet Tavern and they reported many strange events during the night.

Thanks for telling us what you've heard and some of the history,


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