Japenese Soilder Re-Captured at Springs.
by 14 Year Old Writer
(Bedford, PA)
My mom's work involves doing something at the courthouse, (I don't really know) and a young man took a picture on his cell phone of his friend standing in front of the desk at the Bedford Springs Resort. As he looked at the photo it revealed not only his friend but also a crystal clear image of a Japanese Prisoner held here during WWII. Although the ghostly figure is transparent however, you can make out every detail including eyes, ears, individual fingers, a mouth, and clothing. But I as well as my fellow ghost hunters are disappointed to hear that the Springs will allow NO ghost hunting investigations, and are not aloud to talk about experiences or ghostly figures they've seen because they don't want to get the reputation for being a haunted resort. Which I think is ridiculous because of all of the historical events and figures such as presidents, local outlaws, prisoners of war, and soldiers from every era having been involved some way there, people already know for a fact the Bedford Springs is a haunted place.
They are trying to focus it on being just a resort, and I guarantee that a big chunk of people have no idea of the history that's occurred there. The place has been called the Titanic on land, and there was a documentary on the ghost of the frikin' Titanic.
I personally believe that if they did allow ghost hunts and ghost tours that they would attract more tourists. And it's a shame that the people in charge can't just accept that. There new slogan is the Bedford Springs Resort, History Reborn?? Well by not letting people know of the Paranormal experiences going on in there over hundreds of years, I think they've lost a very large part of there history.
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