Haunted Family Homestead House in Gallitzin
by Susan Gargon Centineo
(Frederick, MD)
Well, I can't believe I stumbled upon this website of yours! My sister and I were born in Altoona, and although we moved away when we were 10 and 6, our parents eventually relocated back, and we have been exploring nooks and crannies and side roads and abandoned houses and caves and all KINDS of things in the Altoona/Gallitzin area for years. Even before they moved back, we were still constantly in touch with the area because we have so many relatives there, including my grandparents in Gallitzin. They lived in a house built by my Grandmother's parents and I could write a book about the hauntings there, things experienced by five generations of our family. I *dream* of this house! It was recently sold by my sister, the last family person to live in it. I will tell you all about it when I have more time. It's QUITE the story! Hint: everything "came out" at night, at twilight ... by day, you could always sense things, but it was calm, quiet, benign ... not at night! More later.