Ghost of Old Lady

by Russell
(Pgh, PA)

I heard a story on Party line, kdka, pgh, PA when I was a kid. I was visiting Clearfield county with my grandfather who was from Clearfield, PA. We stopped at a church graveyard and he started to tell me a ghost story about an old lady who is ofen spotted by children at funerals.

One Little girl who was attending a funeral noticed an old lady dressed in black watching a funeral from a distance. A Little girl about 9 or 10 years of age, tried to draw the attention of the adults who were at the funeral to this old lady dressed in black and holding an umbrella.

No one else seemed to notice this old lady except the little girl, who was becoming more interested in the old lady than the ceremony she was attending. After the funeral her parents started to scold her for her behavior but she kept insisting she had seen an old lady approach the casket nod spectfully at the casket and turned to the little girl, looked her in the eye, smiled knowingly and just as she had approached, walked away unoticed by everyone but the little girl.

Upon hearing this one of the older parishsioners of this little chuch got out a scrap book with old photograhs and asked the little girl to look though some of these photos to see if she saw anything she recognized after turning pages she pointed to an old photo of an old lady dressed in black, holding an umbrella. It turn out she was one of the people buried there and a former member of the church.

Now my grandfather told me this story while I was standing in the church where this all supossedly took place. Then about two yrs. later I heard Ed King, KDKA, Pgh,PA, tell a very similar story.

This was all many years ago and I am trying too piece this stories details together. I think it was in Clearfield, PA. If not Clearfield in some neighboring town, very close. I have tried researching this on the internet, while I was researching the ghost stories the Ed King used to tell during the Halloween season. Does this story sound familiar to anyone from PA?

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Ghostly Tale from Clearfield
by: Patricia

Hi Russell,

I've never heard this ghostly tale from Clearfield but it is believable since children tend to see many things adults reject. I'm hoping someone in the Clearfield area will read this and remember hearing this on the radio.


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