Ghost in The GIft Shop at Horseshoe Curve National Historic Landmark

by Judy
(Barto, PA)

I was visiting in Altoona, PA with friends and we visited the Horsehoe Curve National Historic Landmark and on the way out, we stopped in the Gift Shop to look at things and my girlfriend was in one part, her husband in another and I in the back looking at books and I picked up in my hand a book about Ghosts at the Railroaders Memorial Museum (The exact name I am not sure of). At that moment, I heard a noise and postcards were flying off the wall with noone around and I yelled out 'oh no, a ghost', to my friend's husband. He then walked over and picked up the postcards and placed them back on their racks. I never did look at the book and quickly put it back, as I was in shock. We then left the store with our purchases.

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Horseshoe Curve Ghost
by: Patricia

Hi Judy,

This is the first time I've heard of a ghost in the gift shop at the Horseshoe Curve, although I have read and had testimony of ghost sighting at the top of the Horseshoe Curve and also at the tunnel leading to the curve. So I can't say I'm surprised that there may be some hauntings in the gift shop.

Thank you for sharing your ghostly tale with us,


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