Gettysburg Devils den area
by Blair
(Leechburg, Pa USA)
Myself, and 2 of my daughters were visiting Gettysberg in the summer of 2005. We parked by the creek at devils den and walked up the path around and through the large bolders. At the top of the hill we turned right and was walking along the hilltop. I was suprised at how overgrown the woods and the walking path was. I spotted a monument that was very overgrown with weeds etc. We made our way through and was pulling the weeds away from the monument so I could read it. We were standing in a triangle around the monument. I was facing the area that had the writing so I started to read it out loud (I believe that it was a monument to a New York unit). As soon as I read the number and state we all heard a very loud click. We all heard this noise at the same time and it sounded like it came from right beside my ear (My daughters also thought the sound came from right beside their ears). The sound was exectly like a musket being cocked. My daughters were so scared they took off running toward the car. I stayed for about 10 more minutes but there were no other incidents. I have been visiting Gettysburg for many years - this was my first ghostly incounter there.