Fox Township Bicentennial Celebration- June 28 to 30th, 2013
by Fox Township Bicentennial Committee
(Kersey, Fox Township, PA)
Fox Township will be celebrating it's 200th June 28th, 29th and 30th in 2013. Come help us celebrate all weekend long.
Our celebration will start Friday evening at the Community Park with music, rides, booths, fireworks and Community Spirit. Saturday morning will be exhibits of Art and History at the Community Building and Fox Township School, a Children's Fest at St. Boniface School, a parade Saturday afternoon on Main St, and a Dance at the Fox Township Fire Hall in the evening. Sunday will begin with a Community Religious Service at the Community Park, a Family pancake breakfast at St. Boniface School, Fireman's Bar-B-Que Cook Off Competition in the afternoon, Dice Run, ending with our closing ceremony Sunday evening. There are many other events not listed. Food booths galore! Come help us celebrate our 200th Birthday Party. We guarantee you loads of fun and Community Spirit.