Face in the Window

by Carey

There was one night that was clear and the weather was just right. My best friend Sarah, her dad and her sister came to walk with me to her house to spend the night. Sarah's dad was talking about the hotel which we had to pass. He said that it was haunted and that there had been reported some paranormal encounters.

When we passed the hotel everyone else was talking and I was staring at the one window and kept glancing at it. Almost hoping that I would see something. Then I saw a face and it didn't look like a regular face. It looked transparent and it was looking at me. It was creepy but for some reason I knew that I'd see something in that window...

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Creepy PA Ghostly Tale
by: Patricia

I don't scare very easily but the one thing that has always scared me is the thought of glancing out a window and seeing someone stairing in at me.

Your PA ghostly tale really creeped me out when I read it.

Thanks for submitting it,

Patricia (webmaster)

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