Eastern State Pen.
by 12 year old writer
(Bedford P.A.)
Hi 12 year old writer with a bone chilling tale about eastern state penitentiary. In the early 1900s eastern state opened with good hearted intentions for criminals to recuperate and become a better person by spending two years in a quaker funded, controlled area. But when power hungry guards came and practically controlled the prison, it became "Hell On Earth" for many inside the prison walls. They were kept inside a small cell that included running water, toilet, sky window, which provided little to no light, and absolutely no sound at all. Even the guards wore a thick stocking over their shoes so the prisoners could not hear. It drove so many people insane that when Charles Dickens came to check out the place he called it an insane asylum for loonies, and if the prisoners made any sound they tortured them. The torturing techniques included pouring really cold water over their head in 32 degree weather, taking their food resources away, and if trying to escape they get caught they put a device in their mouth that cut off their tongue. Today this horrible place stands in Philadelphia PA, and is haunted by many ghosts. One report says that when a locksmith came and broke a lock off, he released the past, seeing a lot of ghosts in the personal exercise facility each prisoner had. Another report says that they see one of the guards in the watch tower, looking over the ghostly penitentiary. Eastern State closed in the 1970s and now stands as known as "Hell on Earth."