Downingtown, PA Haunted House
by Allison Minto
(Coatesville, PA)
My family and I moved into a house big enough for all of us. We moved in with no problems. As time went by we started to notice that little things, you know, little objects like keys, spoons, toys would go missing then show up somewhere else.
My friend next door told me she too would have things missing. For instance, at one time her husband worked for peco and would be on call 24 hours a day. He had a beeper that he always had on him until one day it was gone. She and her husband panicked, they called it and called it to no avail. Then 2 weeks later my friend and I were in her home and started to hear beeping, we looked and looked we finailly found it in her attic. She never uses the attic due to she never liked it. Low and behold there was the beeper sitting in the middle of floor. The kicker was the floor was covered in dust, years of it, yet not one footstep in this dust to see. How did it get there?
Then several days later I was sitting in my bathtub when I saw the bathroom sink turn on. I screeamed for my husband and ran out as fast as I could. Then once the bedroom door knobs would shake voilently, as though something was mad. I would tell my neighbor and she would have the same thing.
We started to take pictures and smoke would appear in certain ones. The one that were more profound were the ones with her daughter who was 16 at the time. That made it click that this was a true poltergeist.
My neighbor decided to call a priest which seemed to annoy it even more. She has one room in her house now that she cannot use. She covered it in blessed crosses. All 3 of her children tried to stay in that room and couldn't.
Me? I finally moved out in less then 1 year. The woman living there now says she too is having those incedents too. She has Jesus and Mary on the inside and outside of her home. They decided to name the poltergeist "George".
The only thing I can say is I did live right next to the "haunted tunnels" in Downingtown, PA. Where the bikers dismembered a women and packed her in a suitcase and left the case in the tunnels.
I love Pennsylvania!