Do you Believe in Raystown Ray?

by Bud Phillips
(Altoona Pa)

This is Bud Phillips of Altoona and I simply will not swim in Raystown Lake or boat or go on the water of any sort.

I know of people who let their dogs out on the lake while boating and their dogs were pulled under. The last divers who went down there said there were fish twice the size of a man. They refused to go back under the water and this was back in 80s.

It's sad people buy these exotic animals and when they get too big they release them into places like Raystown. I feel it should be illegal to ship exotic animals into America. Even the salt water exotics adapt to regular water and next thing you know it's a scary situation. For example, alligators and crocidiles adapt to fresh water. I've heard all the story of people dogs go missing while swimming out on the lake while boating. The rumor is though Raystown Ray is herbivore and is not a meat eater. This just the rumors I've heard. The dog stories are true and the former diver stories are true.

Thanks for reading my comment,

Bud Phillips

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Apr 13, 2010
Raystown Lake and Rumers
by: Patricia

Hi Bud,

Yep, I've heard a lot of stories about Raystown Lake too. I know a lot of people have drowned there. It's such a beautiful area of PA to go and enjoy the outdoors. It's so hard to believe that anything scary is there. I like to think of these creatures as wonders of nature.

Thanks for your interest in Raystown Ray,


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