Crums Cemetery, out skirts of Windber, PA
thats the picture=X we never went back.
Crums Cemetery is haunted. The story of Crums is Rebecca Crum and her family were considered witches. This was back when if you were considered a witch, you were burned alive, or hung. So, they hung Rebecca and burned her family alive. Now she haunts her grave site. A few years back a couple went there for a romantic night. When they tried to leave, their car wouldn't start. The boyfriend told his girlfriend to stay in the car, he was going to the nearest gas station. Two hours later, the girlfriend was worried cause he never came back, she heard dripping noises and looked outside and seen her boyfriend hanging above the car cut to pieces. One night, we thought it would be fun to go visit this place, and we were taking pictures and there was a red demon thing in the one picture we captured of my friend Joey.