Cemetery in South Jersey 1980 with Jeannie

by B.

I was dating a girl who moved to Willingboro, NJ when I was about 17. Had known her for about 5 years. One night I drove from Hamilton Square down to Willingboro to see her. Next thing I know, we were on RT 130 South, it was probably about 10 pm going to a cemetery. Not sure of the name, might be Sunset. Her Dad had passed away within that year and she wanted to go to his grave. I drove into the cemetery and she directed me to approx where she thought the grave was. I pulled my car up on an angle and faced an area of gravestones to the right, shut the car off, but left the headlights on. We walked in about 30 ft. or so and she said she was sure we were close, and we were! Just one grave over. As soon as we stood in front of her dads grave,the headlight on my car went out!! Only the one on the left that was "pointing" more towards his grave. Just a weird thing to happen, I don't think we were too scared. I know she grabbed my arm and said something, then we just went back to the car and left. Perhaps a sign from MR.A?
Who knows, but I will say thinking about it now gives me the chills!!

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by: Anonymous

Awesome story Unc. I have one ghost story that haunts me. Mike has some too. Mine is about Grandma K and his is about Pop Pop. Love you! :)

I like this!
by: Anonymous

Hey, Bro,
I think this is really interesting. I beleive that there are "spirits" among us and sometimes they let us know. I think they are watching out for us and are sometimes looking for closure.

Ghosts in NJ
by: Patricia

Hi B.

It seems paranormal activity isn't just happening in PA. I don't normally publish ghostly tales about out of state ghost activity but I'm thinking I just might open a new area for these types of ghostly tales. Besides, you are from PA and that ghostly tales gave me the chills too...:)

I'm sure someone was trying to get your attention that night.

Thanks for sharing with us, and I also hope we can get some good ghostly tales from the Levittown area. I know there are many places in Philly famous for their paranormal activity.


Any info on Levittown PA?
by: B

Just wanted to ask if anyone who comments on my story has a any ghost tales from the Levittown area?? Any stories would be greatly appreciated.I have heard about and seen Bolton mansion and also read a few on the net but some new ones would be great thanks!!! B.

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