Altoona Hauntings

by Paige

Hi, my name is Paige. I live in Altoona, PA. I live two blocks away from Pleasent Valley Bowling Alley. My mom has worked there for fourteen years, but quit. When I was about 5, (I'm 12 now) my mom was working at the bar downstairs. She was all alone and getting ready to close up for the night. She was washing glasses. Her hair was up in a pony tail. Whenever she was washing the glasses, she told me that someone hardly pulled her ponytail.

One time in 5th grade, my class took a field trip to the Mishler Theater. I was watching the play that we went to go see and I saw Issac Mishler in the booth on the second level, staring at me. That same day me and my friend went to the bathroom before we left the theater. She was in the stall next to me and said, "Paige." I asked her what's wrong. And she told me, "I looked the stall door and it just opened." I stood up and tried to open my stall door. I even unlocked it and it wouldn't open. I ran back and forth in my stall and hit with great force to get out. About the 10th time that I tried, I hit the door with my sholder and went flying into the sinks. My friend was in shock and didn't know what to say.

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Haunted Altoona Sites
by: Patricia

Hello Paige,

I'm sure when you told people about what you dealt with some would say you were making it all up but I know that the 17th Street Bowling Alley is haunted. I've been told that the deceased previous owner has been seen there and has been playing tricks on people in the bar area.

The Mishler Theater is, without a doubt haunted. There have been cameras in different areas that have picked up spirits. There have been many reports of strange sightings in the women's bathroom.

Thanks for sharing your Altoona ghostly tales with us,


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